
Homeschooling In the Philippines – Merits, and Demerits

Do you know? According to Forbes, about 300 million students have been homeschooled around the world. This implies the increasing rage of home-schooling in recent days. And why won't this happen, if your kids with homeschooling have the same access to online learning, extracurricular activities, and friendship just like typical public school students without many of the flaws, like standardized lesson plans and bullying? The popularity of homeschooling in the Philippines is increasing day by day. Parents are opting for homeschooling for their kids as it comes with many academic benefits, flexibility, and efficiency. What is homeschooling? Homeschooling is a progressive education system in which parents educate their children at home instead of sending them to school. Parents nowadays are more educated and capable of teaching their kids the lessons and ethics that they could learn from school. So, homeschooling is all about teaching your kids at home rather than sen...

Homeschooling in the Philippines: Make Learning Exciting For Your Kids

  Homeschooling in the Philippines: Make Learning Exciting For Your Kids Homeschooling is like any other type of schooling that families are planning for adapting. Millions of families around the world have made the decision to take their child's education into their own hands, especially in the wake of COVID-19. Though it is not widespread but homeschooling in the Philippines is perfectly legal. There are a couple of different ways to homeschool as per the Department of Education (DepEd) Home Study Program and through independent homeschooling. What is Homeschooling? Parents who want to manage their children's education to a larger degree than the present in any schooling option are supporting homeschooling. In a specific sense, homeschooling parents control their child's education in every detail. They will decide the materials, books to be used, how much time the child will spend in class and in doing homework along with many other details. What needs to be done...

Little Me Academy: The Future of Distance Education Philippines

  Little Me Academy: The Future of Distance Education Philippines Traditionally distance education is defined as a procedure where the guide and the student are geographically separated. Today computer and electronic technologies are playing a major role in distance learning. Technology is making things a lot easier for students and teachers; therefore without being face to face the learning process is increasing its boundaries. According to a survey on distance education Philippines , only 5.4% are coming under blended learning, 5.7% are coming under modular learning and 9.1% are coming under online learning. Due to the pandemic, the figure has increased a lot like the education department of the Philippines is suspending all physical education classes.   The mediums of distance learning are: 1.        Internet: The students receive instructions through email, website, messaging systems, or through other electronic mediums. 2.   ...

Online School Philippines: Connect with Quality Education

  Online School Philippines: Connect with Quality Education Covid-19 Pandemic has impacted many things in these two years. Student and teachers’ face-to-face learning engagement within the school was the first among many suspended activities. This pandemic has paved the way for the implementation of Modular Distance Learning as an urgent response to ensure educational continuity. The Philippines is adapting this new normal form of education at present by involving educators and other stakeholders to achieve success.   The key purpose of adopting online school Philippines is to find out the challenges encountered, opinions, and recommendations of teachers, parents, and students in the implementation of Modular Distance Learning in all schools during the year 2020-2021.   What is Modular Distance Learning?   Modular teaching means describing lessons online. Modular distance learning is all about giving online course modules contain content and activities o...

Why One Should Choose Distance Learning In The Philippines?

  Why One Should Choose Distance Learning In The Philippines? There are many countries in the world that still not have resumed in-person education classes due to pandemics. The Philippines is one such country, but it is emphasizing more on virtual classes such as remote learning, online classes, homeschooling, and distance learning. The demand for flexible learning opportunities has increased, and distance learning in the Philippines has been the top option for the country's education system to continue. As per Education Department (DepEd) norms in the Philippines, currently the schools have shifted to a remote learning method. What is Distance Learning? It is a medium of educating students online where lectures, learning materials are sent over the internet. Students don't need to be online to face teachers they can study anytime from home. There are four types of distance learning methods available. They are online courses, hybrid courses, conference classes, and corr...