
Showing posts from October, 2022

Homeschooling In the Philippines – Merits, and Demerits

Do you know? According to Forbes, about 300 million students have been homeschooled around the world. This implies the increasing rage of home-schooling in recent days. And why won't this happen, if your kids with homeschooling have the same access to online learning, extracurricular activities, and friendship just like typical public school students without many of the flaws, like standardized lesson plans and bullying? The popularity of homeschooling in the Philippines is increasing day by day. Parents are opting for homeschooling for their kids as it comes with many academic benefits, flexibility, and efficiency. What is homeschooling? Homeschooling is a progressive education system in which parents educate their children at home instead of sending them to school. Parents nowadays are more educated and capable of teaching their kids the lessons and ethics that they could learn from school. So, homeschooling is all about teaching your kids at home rather than sen...